In case anyone was wondering where the Tall Birder was... Well, I'm now back in Oxon after a great month in Australia! The contrast has been pretty marked, in terms of weather, season, temperature and birds! From a hot early spring, we have fast forwarded to typical dank, cool mid autumnal English conditions, while the birds have gone from being exotic, colourful and above all
NEW, to the usual...
Pit 60 in the rain was not the greatest welcome back, being very quiet with only a fly past Kingfisher (showing no sign of stopping at the perches in front of the LL hide) and a distant Little Egret of any note.
The cress beds at Letcombe Bassett were slightly better with a closer Little Egret, Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail.
Little Egret (c) Letcombe Bassett
Now we also saw Little Egrets in Australia, but they weren't exactly the highlight of the trip! More later on this superb birding destination in a trip report on my website - once I've waded through all the masses of images I took!
However, here is short taster of things to come:
Crimson Rosella
Satin Bowerbird at bower
Regent's Bowerbird
Rainbow Pitta
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